

Profile of Nick Pacalo

Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church opened in 1906.  This DVD, created by Fr. Cosmin George Antonescu, recounts the history of the church, and through the church’s history, the history of the Youngstown Romanian community.

100th Anniversary of Holy Trinityholy-trinity-church

Oral Histories from the Youngstown State University Collection

Tillie Badila – Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church, priests

George Biris – Romania, Romanian culture, church

Mary Buta – Romania, Romanian culture, World War II, church

Alexandra Carulea – Romanian culture, art

Charles Chetian – church, Mahoning Valley Romanian community, Fathers Lazar and Stanila

John Curea – Romania, family, church

Louise Gibb – Romanian culture, Mahoning Valley Romanian community, comparing Romanian and Greek culture

Nick Gibb – Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church, dances

Simon Hundorfean – Life in Romania, Romanian customs, life in Youngstown

Eli Moga – Romanian culture, church, trip to Romania

Andrew Muntean – Life in Romania, Romanian customs, life in Youngstown

Florence Muntean – Romanian food, clothing, dances, and church

John Muntean – Romanian culture, Youngstown Romanian community

John V. Popa – Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church, Romanian culture,

Georgia Radu – Romanian traditions, Youngstown Romanian community

Eli Roman – Church, food, dances, organizations

Judith Shonn – American Romanian Orthodox Youth, church, Romanian dances

William Theis – immigration, Saxons, Saxon Club, politics

Victor Vlad – Life in Romania, religion, immigrating to Youngstown, Romanian folklore

3 Responses to “Romanians”

  1. Cathy Lapadot Murphy says:

    I am trying to find my grandfather’s city of origin. He naturalized in Allen County Indiana Oh, the state has no record of the actual paper just a reference to it. I have asked for the federal government’s copy but receives nothing. His name was Emil lapadat oh, the last day was changed to an o in the US. His parents were Nick and Mary (milka). We think that one of them came from the Black Sea region and the other from Cluj County. My grandfather was born September 15th 1885 come up we have no exact date of death but a tombstone that was put together later bye my aunt’s. We are not sure who signed his death certificate I’m also it all remains a great mystery. I am grateful for works like this that may help me gain information at some point.

  2. I have been very fortunate to have known Nick and Rose Pacalo since 1956 when Nick and I were in the same Navy squadron in Chincoteague, VA flying P2V anti-submarine aircradt. Nick and I flew together on numerous occasions and share related stories and events. We have remained close friends since then and keep in constant touch via annual Navy reunions, visits, the internet and telephone. Nick, Rose, thank you for your friendship over the years.

  3. Jean Day says:

    I am trying to find my Romanian roots, and my 93 year old aunt is desperately trying to get information before she passes away.

    Our family name is Logajan.

    We know per 1920 and 1930 census that a Donicia Logajan was father to a John and Florence Logajan was married to Lienka Logajan and lived at 1215 Hill St. Youngstown, OH.
    Florence graduated per the East High School 1937 Senior Janus yearbook.
    And we know per the census that the son John was born in MN.
    That is the only information we have with a connection to what may be a cousin to my aunt.

    I sent a letter to the Romanian church before with a self addressed stamped envelope and received no answer as to whether there are any recollections of this family, or descendants.

    Can someone tell me if there are birth, death, marriage records that I can have someone access for me?

    Thank you so very very much in advance.

    Jean Day
    4250 Hamline Ave N
    Arden Hills, MN 55112

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