
Puerto Ricans

Ed Romero’s parents were the first Puerto Ricans to settle in Youngstown.


  • Several video interviews in Spanish, transcriptions in Spanish, translations in English, cultural artifacts, and teaching resources in Spanish and English can be found in the collection: Latino Voices of the Valley.

2 Responses to “Puerto Ricans”

  1. Adelaida Santana Pellicier says:

    I am a Puertorriqueña formerly from Kent, Ohio. I would appreciate an interview with you during the week of May 5-9, 2014 for a book and video on the migration of Puerto Ricans between 1940-1950’s.

    I hope you will consider speaking with me about your family history. A flyer about this project is on my facebook page at Adelaida Santana.

    I may be reached at 520-320-1008, in Tucson, AZ.
    Many thanks/muchisimas gracias.

    Adelaida Santana

  2. Jose A. Lopez says:

    My grandfather Dolores Lopez came to Youngstown in 1952, along with his wife Julia, and his sons Carlos and Miguel Lopez. My father Carlos worked for Youngstown Sheet & Tube.

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