


Irish immigrants began arriving in the Mahoning Valley in the mid-nineteenth century.  The biographies on this page were written by education scholar Tom Welsh.

Patrick Hogan, his wife, Margaret, and their three children came to the Mahoning Valley in the mid-1870s, leaving behind the English town of Wednesbury, an iron-manufacturing center in the West Midlands. The family had roots in Swinford, County Mayo, in the western Irish province of Connaught. Like many Irish families who settled in the Valley, the Hogans spent almost a generation in England before emigrating to the United States. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the descendants of Patrick and Margaret Hogan were involved in areas as disparate as labor and industry, politics, business, education, sports, and organized crime. The Hogan family biographies draw on oral accounts (secured through interviews), obituaries, newspaper articles, official records, minutes of public meetings, high school/college yearbooks, school reunion programs, sports journals, and secondary sources, e.g., books on local and regional history. When possible, the biographies include documentary evidence that corroborates oral accounts.

Oral Histories

Ann Donnelly: Growing up on the East Side of Youngstown

Thomas Casey: Life in Ireland and Youngstown

Thomas Kelly: On being a Roman Catholic priest and life in Ireland

John Marsh: Discusses his family’s background/history

Paula McKinney: North Side of Youngstown and her family history

Father John Lyons: Family background and immigration to Youngstown

John Lyden: Mahoning Valley Gaelic Society and Irish culture

Teresa Minogue: Immigration experience

Patrick Mulrooney: Growing up in Ireland, working in England in the 1940s, and residing on the South Side of Youngstown

Catherine Ring: Growing up in Ireland, immigrating to America in 1923 and life on the North Side of Youngstown

2 Responses to “Irish”

  1. Linda says:

    Just came across this website…just fabulous! Thank you to all those people who made this happen and for all their hard work.

  2. Linda says:

    Just came across this site..just fabulous! Thank you for all the hard work that went into this website. Very informative.

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