
Lansingville Talk February 21, 2013

On Thursday, February 21st at 7pm, Mr. Gene DeCapua will give a presentation at a special meeting of the American Slovak Cultural Association to be held at the Father Snock Center of St. Matthias Church, Our Lady of Sorrows parish, 2800 Shady Run Road, Youngstown, OH.

Mr. DeCapua will talk about the Lansingville area of the southside of Youngstown and the Slovaks who made their homes there.  Mr. DeCapua is writing a book about Lansingville and gives a very enjoyable talk.

Please join us and invite your friends to come, too!  This presentation is free and open to the public, and you do not need to be a member of ASCA. For more information please contact Loretta Ekoniak, Pres. ASCA at (330) 549-3760 or loretta.ekoniak@gmail.com.

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